第124回Google Books訴訟で米国作家団体が控訴
Google Booksと米国の作家団体の訴訟を覚えていますか?Google Booksが米国連邦地裁で著作権侵害ではないと判断された事件です。米国作家団体はこれに不服で控訴しました。このニュースを紹介してくれたのは、hon.jpの「Google Book Search裁判、11月のフェアユース判断に米作家団体Authors Guildが正式控訴」(http://hon.jp/news/modules/rsnavi/showarticle.php?id=5119)という記事です。
Google Booksは書籍を全文公開するのではなく、検索を容易にするという目的のもの。検索目的と考えた場合には、必要なサービスとしか考えられません。やはりフェアユースです。これで本が全部読めるようになるわけではないのです。
Appleは、"Voice-based image tagging and searching"という名称の特許(US公開番号2013-346068)を出願していることがわかりました。
このニュースを紹介してくれたのは、IT pro (by日経コンピュータ)の「Apple、Siriで写真を整理する技術を特許申請—米メディアが報道 」という記事です(http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20131227/527585/?ST=smartphone)。
The electronic device with one or more processors and memory provides a digital photograph of a real-world scene. The electronic device provides a natural language text string corresponding to a speech input associated with the digital photograph. The electronic device performs natural language processing on the text string to identify one or more terms associated with an entity, an activity, or a location. The electronic device tags the digital photograph with the one or more terms and their associated entity, activity, or location.
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an operating environment 100 of a digital assistant according to some implementations.
The terms "digital assistant," "virtual assistant," "intelligent automated assistant," or "automatic digital assistant," refer to any information processing system that interprets natural language input in spoken and/or textual form to deduce user intent (e.g., identify a task type that corresponds to the natural language input), and performs actions based on the deduced user intent (e.g., perform a task corresponding to the identified task type).
For example, to act on a deduced user intent, the system can perform one or more of the following: identifying a task flow with steps and parameters designed to accomplish the deduced user intent (e.g., identifying a task type), inputting specific requirements from the deduced user intent into the task flow, executing the task flow by invoking programs, methods, services, APIs, or the like (e.g., sending a request to a service provider); and generating output responses to the user in an audible (e.g., speech) and/or visual form.
Specifically, a digital assistant system is capable of accepting a user request at least partially in the form of a natural language command, request, statement, narrative, and/or inquiry.
Typically, the user request seeks either an informational answer or performance of a task by the digital assistant system.
A satisfactory response to the user request is generally either provision of the requested informational answer, performance of the requested task, or a combination of the two.
For example, a user may ask the digital assistant system a question, such as "Where am I right now?" Based on the user's current location, the digital assistant may answer, "You are in Central Park near the west gate."
The user may also request the performance of a task, for example, by stating "Please invite my friends to my girlfriend's birthday party next week."
In response, the digital assistant may acknowledge the request by generating a voice output, "Yes, right away," and then send a suitable calendar invite from the user's email address to each of the user' friends listed in the user's electronic address book or contact list.
There are numerous other ways of interacting with a digital assistant to request information or performance of various tasks. In addition to providing verbal responses and taking programmed actions, the digital assistant can also provide responses in other visual or audio forms (e.g., as text, alerts, music, videos, animations, etc.).
- Google Booksが米国連邦地裁で著作権侵害ではないと判断された事件で、米国作家団体はこれに不服で控訴した。
- Google Booksは書籍を全文公開するのではなく、検索を容易にするという目的のもの。検索目的と考えた場合には、必要なサービスとしか考えられない。やはりフェアユースである。Google Booksによって本が全部読めるようになるわけではない。
- 全文複製しても、公開されるのは本の一部である。プレビュー表示できないもの、スニペット表示されるものなどがあるが、これはあくまでも検索目的の複製である。したがっていわゆる頒布目的の複製ではない。
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