The Tokyo District Court decision on the cut rice cake was rendered on April 10. Echigoseika Co., Ltd. (Plaintiff) filed a lawsuit to Sato Foods Co., Ltd. (Defendant), claiming that Sato Foods' product infringed Echigoseika's patent right (Patent No. 4,111,382), and the Tokyo District Court found Sato Foods' infringement and ordered Sato Foods to pay 780 million yen. Echigoseika's patent right No. 4,111,382 recites in Claim 1:
“When a cut rice cake is broiled, the upper side of the cue line or groove rises relative to the lower side, and the broiled rice cake rises and changes to a state where the rised contents are sandwiched between the upper and lower broiled plates like a bean-jam-filled-wafer or a sandwich, thus preventing the rised rice cake from spilling out".
“This patent also features “making … cut lines or grooves … on a circumferential side face".
When broiling a rice cake which has a groove on a circumferential side face, the rised rice cakes are sandwiched by the upper and lower broiled plates like a sandwich, thus preventing rice cake contents from spilling out and dropping and sticking onto the grill.
Sato Foods' rice cake has also grooves in the cross form on upper and lower faces, which was, however, found to infringe Echigoseika's patent.
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