第16回プロダクト・バイ・プロセスクレーム最高裁判決 その2

This is continued from the Supreme Court decision on the previous product-by-process claim case.
The Intellectual Property High Court found that Kyowa Kirin's product does not fall under the technical scope of Teva's patent right, judging that a product produced by a different production process does not constitute the patent infringement even if the product is the same. The Intellectual Property High Court uses the terms “genuine product-by-process claim" and “no genuine product-by-process claim".
The former is a claim characterizing an invention by a production process when characterizing a product by structure or features is difficult or impossible, and the latter is a claim characterizing an invention by a production-by process claim although characterizing a product by structure or features is not difficult or impossible.
The scope of the non-genuine product-by-process claim is limited to a production process recited in claims, which is the Intellectual Property High Court's determination method.
Why is this?
I think that;
A production process is recited although it is not difficult to characterize a product by structure etc., so the product is characterized by this process and it is found that only the product produced by this process falls under the technical scope of this patent.
The patent in the present case also falls under this and it was found that the product produced only by the production process recited in claims constitutes the infringement.
It was found that Kyowa Kirin's product satisfies the element of Teva's patent right, “pravastatin sodium containing pravastatin lactone of less than 0.5% by weight and epiprava of less than 0.2% by weight" but does not comprise “forming an enriched organic solution of pravastatin" (patent number 3737801), which was found not to fall under the technical scope of Teva's patent right. But inherently Teva's patent has no inventive step, which was the Intellectual Property High Court's determination.
The Supreme Court rendered the noteworthy decision in that Kyowa Kirin's product falls under the scope of Teva's patent right and remanded the case to the Intellectual Property High Court.
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