Although the Patent Act revised in 2014 has become in effect, the next revised Patent Act was approved in a Cabinet Meeting. This revised Act includes a very topical provision that an employee's invention shall belong to an employer (a company). Referring to the new article carefully, an employee's invention shall not belong to a company unconditionally but only when an agreement or an employment regulation etc. provides so in advance.
The present Patent Act provides that an employee's invention shall be transferred to a company when an agreement etc. provides so in advance, which is referred to as "a reserved transfer".
Under the revised Act, an agreement etc. may provide that an employee's invention shall belong to a company in advance, which I refer to as "a reserved ownership".
By the way, the present best-selling novel, "I Try to Prove Love Affair" (written by Kazuki Fujisawa, GENTOSHA INC.), in which the main character is a patent attorney who is not good at love and romance.
I am a fan of Mr. Fujisawa's blog, and surprisingly, the main character of the story is a patent attorney!
The wonderful part about this novel and why I like it is because it's not a difficult patent book, but rather a book about ‘love engineering' eventhough the main character is a patent attorney.
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