
I participated in a lecture held by the Japanese Patent Attorneys Association regarding the amendment of the Patent Act in 2015. The key point of this amendment is to allow for an employment regulation, agreement, etc., for preliminarily providing that an employee's invention shall initially belong to an employer. However, other provisions advantageous to applicants, especially patent attorneys, will be introduced.
One of them is allowing for an extension of the term for filing an argument in response to a notice of reason for refusal.
The term for filing an argument shall be 60 days from the dispatch date of a notice of reason for refusal as for a domestic applicant (namely an applicant having an address or residence in Japan) and three months therefrom as for an overseas resident (namely a person having no address or no residence in Japan).
This term for a domestic applicant can be extended for one month because a comparative experiment with the cited reference has to be conducted.
On the other hand, the term for an overseas resident can be extended further not only because a comparative test has to be conducted but also because translation of a notice of reason for refusal and an argument, etc., takes time.
The extension because of translation is permitted for a maximum of three months.
However, the amendment of the Patent Act in 2015 will allow for an extension of the term for filing an argument without such reason.
The term may be extended for the period provided under the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which has not yet been decided.
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