進歩性なしの根拠の一つとして、アサヒビールの「ダブルゼロ」が登場しています。ダブルゼロは糖質が0.9 g/100mlであり、サントリーの特許は糖質が0.5 g/100 ml以下です。
糖質ゼロのビールは消費者から支持されているから、つまり糖質を減少させることの「動機付け」があるということです。判例によれば、「栄養表示基準(平成15年4月24日厚生労働省告示第176号)」では、糖質0.5g/100 ml未満であれば、糖質が含まれていないことを表示できるとしている、とのことです。
ダブルゼロは糖質が0.9 g/100mlです。それ以外のpH、エキス分総量の値は重なっています。糖質だけを少なくしており、これが容易に想到できるということです。先行技術と完全に一致していれば新規性がなく、一部は異なるがそれは容易に考えつく、そしてそのことに顕著な効果がなければ進歩性なしです。

With respect to the case in which Suntory Holdings filed an infringement lawsuit against ASAHI BREWERIES, the Tokyo District Court decision that judged that ASAHI BREWERIES has not been infringing Suntory Holding’s patent was announced (2015 (wa) No. 1025 dated October 29, 2015).
It was held that Suntory Holding’s patent has no inventive step, and its exercise of the patent right shall be restricted.
One basis for negating an inventive step of Suntory’s patent is ASAHI BREWERIES’s “W-ZERO”, which has sugar content of 0.9g/100ml. It was judged that Suntory’s patent has a low sugar content of 0.5g/100ml or less, which could have been easily conceived from “W-ZERO”.
It was held that beers with zero sugar content are supported by consumers so there is motivation to decrease sugar content. According to this court decision, “Nutrition Labelling Standard” (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare notice No. 176 of April 24, 2003) provides that the sugar content of less than 0.5g/100ml may be indicated as “containing no sugar content”.
The sugar content of “W-ZERO” is 0.9g/100ml while that of Suntory’s patent is 0.5g/100ml or less, but both beers have the same pH and total amount of extract components.
The Tokyo District Court judged that decreasing the sugar content could have been easily conceived.
An invention that is the same as the prior art has no novelty, while an invention having a partial difference from the prior art that could have been easily conceived has no inventive step unless the difference produces remarkable effects.
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