これは特許・実用新案審査基準(特許庁)でいう「数値範囲の最適化」(第Ⅲ部特許要件、第2章 新規性・進歩性(特許法第29条第1項・2項、第2節 進歩性)です。

In the lawsuit between Suntory Holdings (hereinafter referred to as “Suntory") and Asahi Breweries, the Tokyo District Court judged that Suntory Holdings' patent (No. 5,382,754) could have been easily conceived based on Suntory's existing product “ALL-FREE", and its inventive step was negated.
In this lawsuit, it is contested whether “DRY ZERO" of Asahi Breweries infringes Suntory's patent right or not; however, I am only stating the comparison of Suntory's patent and Suntory's All FREE", which may cause you confusion, “What's the topic of this lawsuit"? Yes. It is determined if Suntory's patent has an inventive step or not. This frequently occurs in infringement litigations.
pH and the sugar content of this patent covers those of “ALL-FREE" but the total amount of extracts of this patent is larger than that of “ALL-FREE", which was found to have been easily conceived.
This is “optimization of the range of numerical values" stated in Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model (Part III Patentability, Chapter 2 Novelty and Inventive Step (Article 29(1)(2) of the Patent Act, Section 2 Inventive Step). If such optimization of numerical values produces remarkable effects, an inventive step is affirmed, but remarkable effects were not identified.
Increasing the total amount of extracts improves the feeling for drinking, which is found to be well-known and is not found as a remarkable effect.
Suntory insists that a combination of the total amount of extracts, pH and sugar content should be determined as one set without extracting only the amount of extracts, but increasing only the amount of extracts caused the problem of an inventive step.
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- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
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