弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
ATA :American Translators Association (全米翻訳者協会)のAnnual Conferenceが今年は11/2〜11/5に開催されます。
毎年開催場所が変わるのですが、今年はサンフランシスコです。Hyatt Regency, San Franciscoで開催されます(https://www.atanet.org/conf/2016/)。
かなり遠いですが、ご興味のある方は観光がてらご参加して下さい。興味深いのは、ホテルの部屋をシェアするために、参加者はルームメートを探すというのが当たり前である、という点です。最初から友達で参加する人はよいのですが、一人で参加する方は、ATAのブログ (“Looking for a Roommate" (http://ataroommate-conference.blogspot.jp/)でルームメートを探せます。私もルームメート(もちろん女性)を募集中です。

An annual conference of the ATA (American Translators Association) will be held at Hyatt Regency San Francisco from November 2 to 5, 2016 (https://www.atanet.org/conf/2016/). The venue changes every year.
A reception, and more than 100 presentations, etc., will be held. I have been asked to make a presentation. I submitted my resume to the ATA Headquarters this spring, and it has been accepted.
In my presentation, I will talk about how the patent translation industry should be. Translators should make close contact with clients to prepare high-quality translations. They should form a team to share a large volume of translations while discussing them for translating reasons.
Such focus on the quality of translations will prevent erroneous translations. I will also refer to court cases where erroneous translations have caused problems.
San Francisco is far from Japan, but if you are interested in this event and my presentation, let's participate in this conference. It is very interesting that participants are usually looking for hotel roommates to save on hotel charges. Participants without any friends can search for roommates on the ATA blog, “Looking for a Roommate" (http://ataroommate-conference.blogspot.jp/). I am also looking for roommates (female).
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