弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
In my previous blog, I informed you about the new provision for employees' inventions that was enforced this April.
A new patent law provides that an employee's invention may belong to an inventor (an employee) but what is more significant in this amendment of the Patent Law is that the Guideline for reasonable economic benefits was provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which has been already published (see below).
「特許法第35条第6項に基づく発明を奨励するための相当の金銭その他の経済上の利益について定める場合に考慮すべき使用者等と従業者等との間で行われる協議の状況等に関する指針」(経済産業省告示 第131号(平成28年4月22日))
「従業者等が基準を見ようと思えば見られるような措置 」というフレーズが記載されています(同指針の第18ページ、11行目)。
Rights to obtain patents for employees' inventions had been mostly assigned to companies from inventors, which is not actually a big change before and after the amendment. What is more important is that the Guideline for reasonable economic benefits was definitely established and published.
This Guideline specifically provides methods of disclosing the standard for deciding reasonable economic benefits under Article 35 (6) of the Patent Law through an intranet, email in-house magazine, website on the Internet, etc. (“No. 2 Due Process", “3. Disclosure", “(4), (5) of “2 Methods of Disclosure", page 19, lines 2 to 10 of the same Guideline), and includes the phrase “measures for enabling employees, etc., to see the standard wherever they want to see the standard" (page 18, line 11 of the same Guideline).
A standard is significant in not only its contents but also in the time to access the standard. The aforementioned Guideline is easily accessible and also provides that the in-house standard for reasonable benefits shall be easily accessible. If employees are not satisfied with the contents of the standard, they will hesitate to express their satisfaction if the method to access the standard is difficult.
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