弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
トップアップサーチ(Top-Up Search)とは、国際調査の際には発見されていなかった文献や、発行されていなかった文献(例、雑誌に掲載される直前であった文献)を国際予備審査において調査する制度です。国際予備審査機関の質向上のために行われます。2014年7月1日以降の国際出願に適用されます。
The PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) Rule was amended step by step, and I will inform you about this in this and my next blog. Today, I will explain the amendments that shall apply to International Applications filed on or after July 2014.
1.Introduction of Top-up Search
A Top-up Search covers documents that had not been found or documents that had not been issued (for example, documents that had not yet been placed in a magazine) when the International Search was conducted. The Top-up Search is conducted for the purpose of improving the quality of the International Preliminary Search.
At present, a substantive judgment is stated in a written opinion of the International Searching Authority, which is almost the same as the International Preliminary Report. In order to fulfill the unique role of the International Preliminary Examination, the Top-Up Search covering documents that had not been found at the time of the International Search started.
2.Written Opinion of International Searching Authority is published at the time of International Publication
Before the amendment, the written opinion of the International Searching Authority had been kept confidential before 30 months had expired from the priority date, and had not been published at the time of International Publication after 18 months from the priority date, and had been sent to the designated office at the time of entry into a national phase 30 months after the priority date. The provision of a confidential nature of the written opinion of the International Searching Authority was deleted and the written opinion of the International Searching Authority started to be published at the International Publication.
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- 国際特許出願マニュアル
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