第67回翻訳をしていて訳語 「自社」
弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
自社とは誰の自社なのか、ということです。これがわかれば訳は簡単です。貴方に向けて書いている文章であれば、your company, your own companyです。しかし相手を特定せず、抽象的な誰かの自社であれば、one's own companyと訳しています。
誰かの自社であることを強調せずに、単にある会社の特許を意味するのであれば、a company's patentです。
「社内」の訳はin-houseです。社内弁護士はin-house counselと訳します。
ということは、house には会社という意味があるのでしょうか。houseは会社を直接意味するのではなく、建物という意味があります。家であろうが会社であろうが建物の中であれば社内なのでしょう。

Some words are difficult for me to translate. “One's company" (“Jisha" in Japanese) is one example, and is used in many phrases such as technology developed by one's company or one's company patents. How to translate this phrase (Jisha) into English always annoys me.
Who's company is “one's company"? If this is clear, translation is easy. If “one's company" is used in sentences addressed to you, “one's company" means “your company" or “your own company". If “one's company" is used in sentences addressed to unspecific persons, and “one's company" is an abstract person's company, it can be translated into “one's own company".
If a certain company's patents are merely meant without stressing somebody's company's patents, this phrase is translated into “a company's patents"
The term “in company" is translated into “in-house". A counsel in a company is translated into “an in-house counsel".
I wonder if this means that “house" means “company"? The term “house" does not directly mean a company but means a building. The phrase “in-house" means “in a building" whether a building is a house or a company.
There is a funny story. In the translation industry, there is the expression “in-house translator" (which means “translators in a company"), which was misunderstood as at-home translators. However, if a house means a building, understanding “in-house translators" as “translators at home" is not a mistake.
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