弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「A, B, Cからなる装置であって、前記Aは、〜を特徴とする装置」
「A, B, Cからなる装置において、前記Aは、〜を特徴とする装置」
f確かに「A, B, Cからなる装置」を先行技術として特定するのは勇気が要ります。「において」を使用すると、先行技術であるか否かは明確にはなりません。
characterized in thatのフレーズを使うと、that以降は発明の特徴部分を表すことが明確になると思います。そこで「であって」は欧州クレーム、米国クレームでもcharacterized in thatを使ったらどうでしょうか。
“A device comprising A, B, and C (“deatte” in Japanese), wherein the A is …”
“A device comprising A, B, and C (“nioite” in Japanese), in which the A is …”
I repeatedly explained claim wording in this blog. My college’s opinion about the Japanese words “deatte” and “nioite” is:
The word “deatte” is used to state the prior art before the word “deatte”,
The word “nioite” is used to specify matters not described before the prior art.
Of course, specifying “a device comprising A, B, and C” as the prior art is a little bold. Using the word “nioite” does not make it clear if the words stated before that are the prior art or not.
How can we translate the words “deatte” and “nioite”?
Both words remind us of the translation “wherein”. But if this is so, I wonder if we can designate the words written before “wherein” as the prior art or not ?
I think that the phrase “characterized in that” makes it clear that phrases after the word “that” show characterizing parts of the invention. Accordingly, using “characterized in that” (as a translation of “deatte”) in US claims and European claims is recommended.
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