弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Feeling a little nostalgic, I decided to write about a supreme court decision from some time ago concerning the publicity rights of the female duo music group Pink Lady. At the time, a special edition magazine article featuring Pink Lady had talked about dieting via dancing, which was published with on stage photos of Pink Lady. The photos were taken with their consent, but the photos were used in the magazine without their consent.
As such, disputes over whether the above event actually infringed upon their publicity rights or not occurred. This is because publicity rights can be expressed as the right to take in consumers. In other words, because famous people possess the ability to draw in consumers, associating them with products can lead to sales. This is equivalent to an economic benefit, and as such using the portraits of famous people without their authorization would infringe upon their publicity rights.
In the Pink Lady case, it had to be determined if this magazine focused on Pink Lady's ability to attract consumers and then utilized this ability or not.
It was, however, judged that the article in this magazine featured going on a diet while dancing like Pink Lady, and therefore their photos were placed as a supplementary explanation for a diet. Upon recalling their goals at the time, it was determined that the authors were not using the pictures as a feature to attract consumers. (This was decided by the Supreme Court on February 2, 2012).
In short, their photos were not used for boosting the sales of the magazine.
- もう知らないではすまされない著作権
- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
- 特許翻訳のテクニック
- なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
- 国際特許出願マニュアル
- なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
- なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
- こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
- だれでも弁理士になれる本
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