弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Greetings readers! Today we will be continuing the amended patent laws covered in the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) agreement.
Under the new patent laws, when a patent right has been registered past the standard date, the deadline of the patent's duration can be maximized to extend from the standard date to the date of registration, but there are a number of things that could shorten this period. The following is such an instance.
If special requests or notifications are issued from the JPO and an attorney petitions for such requests or notifications be put on hold temporarily, then the period that lasts from the date of request until the date that the requested reason expires shall be subtracted from the original period (Article 67 (3)(IV) of the New Patent Law).
As an example, suppose an instance between an inventor, his attorney, and the patent office in which a reason for refusal was issued from the patent office, whereupon the representative of the applicant was unable to contact the applicant. In such an instance a written request could be submitted for an extension.
Suppose then that after submitting the written request for extension, the representative of the applicant was then eventually able to contact the applicant. During this time the investigation of the patent came to a complete halt for a time due to the applicant's circumstances, and therefore this timeframe will be subtracted from the original period. (Article 67 (3)(IV) of the New Patent Law).
Reduction, exemption, and the postponement of patent fees can all be applied for. The time required for determining if a reduction, exemption or delay in fee payment should be permitted or not shall be also subtracted from the original timeframe because any such reduction, exemption or delay is a problem that resulted from the applicant's circumstances (i.e. a lack of funds). (Article 67 (3)(V) of the New Patent Law).
It should be noted that any payments, as well as any exemptions, or delays of fees during the first three years during a patent's registration is a prerequisite for registration of the patent right. The first to third year patent fees may be reduced or be made exempt if an applicant request this.
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