弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Hello again readers! Let's get right into it. I explained before that Kiku-Masamune Brewing Co. Ltd. filed a tactile trademark for a product in the U.S., and they have also already filed a motion trademark in Japan. But how are motion trademarks filed? Essentially, a trademark application is used where a trademark's change of motion is specified through a number of drawings or photographs.
You can look up motion trademarks at your own leisure through “J-PlatPat" (Patent Information Platform) on the JPO website (National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training). Sure enough, you'll find trademarks specified in multiple picture form just like something you may find in a roll of movie film. Kiku-Masamne's registered motion trademark specifies in six photos a purple wrapping cloth wrapped around a glass bottle (Registration No. 5804568).
Motion trademarks always reminds me of those picture flip books you always used to see as a child that formed a single motion when flipped through at high speeds, or those simple movies that could be seen at homes in Japan by projecting a film like appendix to a magazine. It would seem that the children of today don't get a chance to enjoy such things due to smartphones, but upon seeing these public motion trademarks I was reminded of those old fashioned type of fun we used to have as children. But speaking of smartphones, I wonder if a day will ever come where we could register video captured on smartphones?
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