弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
数か月前に異議の決定が出たのですが、「マリカー」の事件です。街を派手なコスチュームを着て走るゴーカートです。株式会社マリカーという会社があり、「マリカー」という商標(5,860,284号)を「自動車」等に登録しましたが、この商標に対し、任天堂から異議申し立てがされました。任天堂の著名なレーシングゲーム、そして商標「マリオカート」の略称であるという理由です。任天堂は「MARIO KARTマリオカート」(4,222,218号)という登録商標を「家庭用ビデオゲーム機」等に有しています。
Today's blog brings us into the world of Nintendo! Perhaps you heard about the lawsuit a few months ago concerning the MariCAR company? MariCAR is a company that allows customers to race around the streets of Tokyo in a go-cart wearing a gaudy (Nintendo character) costume. MariCAR Inc. registered the trademark Marika (マリカー) in Japanese Katakana under the “vehicle" registration heading; (No. 5,860,284) but Nintendo objected the registration, citing that it was an abbreviation of their famous trademark, Mario Kart (マリオカート in Katakana) from the popular racing game. Incidentally, Nintendo filed their trademark “MARIO KART マりオカート“ (No. 4,222,218) under the heading “consumer game machine".
The following articles from the trademark acts were argued as grounds for their objection: article 4, item 1(15) provides that a trademark causing confusion with other persons' business shall be rejected. Article 4, item 1(19) provides that a trademark which is identical to or similar to other person's famous trademark that is used for illegal purposes shall be rejected.
The JPO decided that the Marika trademark from MariCAR Inc. did not count as a trademark that needed to be refused according to article 4, item 1 (15)(19), and they maintained this trademark, on the grounds that Marika (マリカー) is not an abbreviation of the famous racing game Mario Kart (マリオカート). Accordingly, There is a potential problem if the Japanese for Marika is similar to the Japanese for Mario Kart because if Marika is similar to Mario Kart, confusion may arise. However, these trademarks are not similar, as the decision that Marika is not a famous abbreviation of Mario Kart led to this conclusion.
Please bear in mind that it was judged that the game MARIO KART is very famous, but abbreviating the game's name to MARIKA was unheard of. Article 4, item 1(15) may apply to any trademark that is not similar to a famous trademark but that still may cause concrete confusion between the two. This was an interesting case in which two trademarks that (may or may not have been) similar needed to be judged to determine if a general confusion may have arisen because certain abbreviations (may or may not have been) famous (Objection No. 2016-900309).
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