弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
In this session, novelty and inventiveness were explained using examples taken from the Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model (JPO). Of these, I will explain the novelty found in Case 35: “robotic devices", which are devices that operate on objects.
In the example, the robot comprises the following: an object detecting sensor, and a transmitter that receives information about an object based upon the sensor's output by sending a question to the server by which it then receives a reply through a receiver. The robot then operates on the object using a program that operates based on information received from the server.
The handbook provides examples for a present invention and a cited invention.
In the answer information of the present invention, information received from a server or network is information about the type of object detected, and this information is specified to the production equipment of the detected object. (For example, this object has production equipment from company A, this object has production equipment from company B.)
In the answer information of the cited invention, information is not received from the object's production equipment, but instead, the server simply specifies information relating to the type of object.
This handbook says that the present application invention example has no novelty. Essentially, it is the same as the cited invention. The answer information of the present application invention and the cited invention is the same in that they both have “information on types of objects", but the difference is that the information is specified on information which the server obtained about either the production equipment of the objection (such as with the present invention) or information from the server is specified based on information obtained from the production equipment (such as with the cited invention). Such a difference does not affect the structures of both inventions, as both of them are robotic devices that have the same structures that house programs that operate on objects.
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