



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子



Hello readers! Have you ever had to deal with a translation mistake in patent translation before? Patent law permits the correction of incorrect translations to a limited degree, and though there is a system to correct mistranslations, patent holders and attorneys should not let their guard down concerning the problem.
Let me tell you about a case with a court decision where, despite the request for a translation correction trial, the request was denied by the court. The patent in question is a German patent of priority rights (number 5584706) with an international application that had entered the national phase in Japan. The patent contained the term “phosphate", and the trial request to correct the term “phosphate" to “phosphonic acid" was not approved because the correction would have changed the scope of the claims.
Claim 1 in the original text uses the word “Phosphonsäuren" (International Publication No. 2010-94692), which translates to phosphonic acid. The patent holder insisted that the term “phosphate" could be corrected to “phosphonic acid" because of the German term “Phos-phosäuren".
However, the JPO Trial Board and the Intellectual Property High Court did not accept the correction, because of a criteria that states that when a judgment call is needed about a correction that changes the claims, the translated text rather than the original text should be deferred to when making the call.
Here is part of the translation from the original text: “said active component consisting of at least one anionic surfactant selected from the group consisting of a sulfonic acid, a phosphate, a carboxylic acid and salt of each acid". No one would consider the term “phosphate" in this phrase as an error from “phosphonic acid".
The patent specifications mention “-PO3H2 group" (from the phosphoric acid group) and “phosphate group" acids, and the patent's claims use the word “phosphate", by which it becomes clear that third parties would ordinarily understand that the word “phosphate" is correct. The fact that the chemical formula for phosphate “-PO4H2" is similar to “-PO3H2" is listed as the grounds (Heisei 27 (gyo-ke) No. 10216, Trial No. 2014-390211).
Though we can correct patent mistranslations, the wording in the original text cannot be corrected limitlessly. Only translation corrections that do not change the claims can be recognized.




  • もう知らないではすまされない著作権
  • ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
  • 特許翻訳のテクニック
  • なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
  • 国際特許出願マニュアル
  • なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
  • なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
  • こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
  • だれでも弁理士になれる本
  • 改正・米国特許法のポイント