弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
タイムスタンプ保管サービスが3月27日からINPIT(独立行政法人 工業所有権情報・研修館)で開始しています。
詳しくは、「タイムスタンプ保管サービスについて」(INPIT(独立行政法人 工業所有権情報・研修館))
Hello readers.
As some of you may know, from the 27th of March, the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) started a timestamp storage service.
To put it simply, this is a method in which an electronic document can be proven to have existed at a certain point in time. Using this system, it could be proven that an invention had been published on a website from a specific date and time, enabling one to prove that they have prior user rights.
Under the timestamp storage service system, a user can encrypt an electronic document to obtain a hash value and send it to the Time Stamp Authority. Time and date information is then added to generate a time-stamp token, allowing the user to save the timestamp to the INPIT storage service.
It should be noted that from the point the hash value is made, the document can no longer be retrieved. Using this service, it can be proven that a specific document had been present at a certain time, and that there had been no tampering.
As for paper documents, there is always the possibility that they are lost or damaged, and after long periods of time, it becomes difficult to prove when they were created. Problems may also arise due to a lack of storage space.
This service can also be used to record invention notes on a daily basis, as well as a method of storing a website's screen or layout.
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