弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Hello again readers. This week's discussion is about the music industry. When it comes to publishing rights the words “music publisher" are often thrown around even though they are not a part of the publishing laws themselves. Indeed, between the words publisher and music publisher it may become difficult to ascertain the difference when publishing rights are involved. To tell you the truth, I too have misunderstood the difference between these words.
Music publishers conduct the business of managing copyrights. They conclude agreements on the assignment of copyrights, and further conclude copyright trust agreements with a copyright management organization such as JASRAC so that JASRAC is entrusted with the management of a copyright. That is to say, the publishing rights exist as a sort of bridge between authors (songwriters, composers) and JASRAC.
Users of music pay copyright royalties to JASRAC, whereupon the royalties are distributed to music publishing companies which are then further distributed to the songwriters and composers. However, within the rights is a performance right, and JASRAC distributes the royalties from performance rights directly to the authors.
Music publishers also occasionally manage copyrights by themselves without deferring to JASRAC.
The other day I attended a patent attorney training seminar entitled “Copyrights in the Music Industry and its Business". The conference was full of attendees due to the popularity of music rights in the media.
One of the lecturers was none other than the Ms. Harue Shirota, a patent attorney who is well known for her keen insight into the music industry. Her lecture was truly impressive, and I felt the insight she had to offer was very significant as she could share real stories about the industry.
For one such as I who writes and blogs about publishing rights in the music industry, attending her lecture was a great experience, and I hope to talk about it in the future.
Reference:Music Publishers Association of Japan(http://mpaj.or.jp/whats/management)
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