弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
JASRAC announced their changes in policy for collecting royalties from the performance of music at music schools and on June 7, 2017 they also announced their newly established regulations for royalties collected from karaoke institutions, which was submitted to the Commissioner for Cultural Affairs.
Suppose there was a school with no more than 30 students who paid up to 4,000 yen in monthly tuition fees. In such a case that institution would have to pay 6,000 yen per month in royalties, according to the usage fee regulations. Cases for institutions with as few as 10 students or less have also been calculated, making sure that even small scale music schools are not left out from collection.
It is important to note that “music schools" are defined as “institutions for taking courses related to the performance of musical instruments or song", which regardless of institution size would include a wide variety of music instruction classrooms.
However, the “tuition fees" we are talking about here are defined as tuition fees for a course, and as such would not include private music lessons that are held in a residence but rather established courses that go hand in hand with music schools.
The “Organization for Protecting Music Education" (https://music-growth.org/about/)consists of around 300 companies and organizations engaged in music education. They are doing a signature-collecting campaign to show their objection to JASRAC's collection of royalties. We should keep our eyes on this situation, including the interpretation of the regulation on royalties and the music-related organizations' opposition campaign.
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