弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「Lanuit de Saint-Germain des-Pre's」(サンジェルマン殺人狂騒曲)というフランス語の原書を2人の翻訳者が訳し、一方が他方を翻訳の複製であると主張して提訴した事件のつづきです。
“Alors, nous sommes quittes"は、「それなら借貸なしですね」と通常訳すべきところ、
“c'est peu neluisant"は、「それは輝きが少い」と通常訳されるところ、
This is continued from the previous blog about translation copyright infringement. If one English word has various translations, translators should select the most suitable translation in accordance with its context, which shows the translator's skills. Replacing an English word with its translation as found in a dictionary is mere machine translation.
Here is a case where two translators translated the French novel La Nuit de Saint-Germain-des-Prés into Japanese and one translator filed a lawsuit against the other, insisting that they copied the translation.
In their decision, the Tokyo High Court made a statement that describes the real thrill of translation:
“Whether a translation is suitable or not depends on which expression is the most appropriate Japanese as it corresponds to the words and their context. The fact that similar expressions are recorded in various dictionaries etc. does not directly mean that the expressions in those same dictionaries are suitable for that particular translation".
“There were a considerable number of the appellant's* translations that had to be worked over repeatedly based on descriptions of various dictionaries before reaching their translations".
(decided by the Tokyo High Court, Heisei (ne) No. 835, September 24, 1992)
*Author's note: appellant means plaintiff
“Alors, nous sommes quittes" is normally translated as “Now we are quits".
The plaintiff's translation was: “Now we are even".
And the defendant's translation: “Now we're even".
“Ç'est peu reluisant" is normally translated as “It is a little bright".
The plaintiff's translation was: “It's inconspicuous".
And the defendant's translation: “It is inconspicuous".
The plaintiff translated these phrases in an original way, using the context and not the translation recorded in dictionaries. The fact that the defendant's translation was the same as the plaintiff's original translation cannot be disregarded.
However, as a whole, the defendant's translation was not found to be a copy of the plaintiff's translation. Why? This will be explained in the next blog.
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