弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Can we use “at least" in patent claims? Why do I ask this? Because this is a vague phrase. For example, in the expression “input method including at least a touch panel," the input method must necessarily include a touch panel but can also include a joystick or a keyboard, etc. Vague language like this should not be permitted in claims, but conversely, excessively concrete expressions can limit the scope of a patent right.
The answer to the above question is that “at least" can be used in patent claims. In this case, the method used for input is defined, and so it is not vague: all that is desired is that the input method includes at least a touch panel.
Can the expression “input method such as a touch panel" also be used in patent claims? This is acceptable, but in this case the touch panel is only listed as an example, and it is not stated that it must be necessarily included.
Care should be taken when considering whether or not “at least" and “such as" are vague in claims.
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