



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子


エキス分総量 pH 糖質
サントリーの特許 0.5〜2.0 wt/% 3.0〜4.5 0.5 g/100ml 以下
ダブルゼロ 1.07 wt/% 3.05 0.9g/100ml

健康志向の高まりにより、「糖質ゼロ」と表示されている商品が消費者から支持されていたこと、栄養表示基準(平成15年4月24日厚生労働省告示第176号)では、糖質を100ml当たり0.5g未満とすれば糖質ゼロと表示できること、という事情があり、この事情を背景にすると、糖質を0.5 g未満に減少させることは、強い動機付けがあったということです。


One of the criteria when determining if an invention has an inventive step over prior art is whether or not the invention is externally motivated. In a popular non-alcoholic beer court decision, Suntory's patent (No. 5,382,754) was judged to have no inventive step over Asahi Beer's “Double Zero".

Total amount of extracts pH Sugar
Suntory's patent 0.5~2.0 wt% 3.0~4.5 0.5g/100ml or less
Double Zero 1.07 wt/% 3.05 0.9g/100ml

As seen from this table, Suntory's patent is different from Double Zero only in the amount of sugar; the total amount of extracts and pH of Double Zero are within the scope of those of Suntory's patent.
Decreasing the sugar content to less than 0.5g/100ml was judged to have no inventive step because “it had been motivated".
The court recognized the following circumstances for Suntory decreasing its sugar content to less than 0.5g: due to rising health consciousness, consumers had begun supporting goods indicating “zero sugar content"; and according to the Nutrition Labeling Standards (April 24, 2003, MHLW Notification No. 176), sugar content of less than 0.5g/100ml can be indicated as “zero".
Considering these circumstances, decreasing sugar content to less than 0.5g was deemed to have been strongly motivated.
The court stated that:

It is apparent that decreasing the sugar content to less than 0.5g per 100ml had been strongly motivated, and decreasing sugar content itself is easy. Accordingly, the configuration of the present invention pertaining to its differences from “Double Zero" could be easily conceived by a person skilled in the art. (Heisei 27 (wa) No. 1025, decided by Tokyo District Court)

In other words, decreasing the sugar content to less than 0.5g is easy, and in this case, was clearly motivated by consumer health consciousness.
In this way, if motivations are found by combining background circumstances with the prior art or combining references with well-known art, the present invention may be determined to have no inventive step.




  • もう知らないではすまされない著作権
  • ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
  • 特許翻訳のテクニック
  • なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
  • 国際特許出願マニュアル
  • なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
  • なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
  • こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
  • だれでも弁理士になれる本
  • 改正・米国特許法のポイント