弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「キーパッドを含む第 1 の筐体とディスプレイを含む第 2 の筐体の底面が、一方の筐体が他方の筐体に対して他方の筐体を約 360 度回転可能にするヒンジで接続された折り畳み式携帯電話において、第 1 の筐体中の電気回路と第 2 の筐体中の電気回路をフレキシブル基板で接続したことを特徴とする折り畳み式携帯電話」
(特許・実用新案審査基準(特許庁)第 II 部 第 2 章 第 3 節 明確性要件、第9頁)
As I told you in my last blog, the Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan lists “about" as one of the words that make the scope of claims unclear, while also listing the following phrase in which “about" appears but is not determined to be an unclear word.
“A folding cell phone in which a first housing including a keypad and a second housing including a display are connected to each other by a hinge, which enables one of the housings to rotate by an angle of about 360° relative to the other housing, wherein an electric circuit of the first housing and an electric circuit of the second housing are connected by a flexible substrate".
(paraphrased from Part II, Chapter 2, Section 3, page 11 of the Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan).
Let's think about a scenario where a housing (the first housing) having a keypad and a housing (the second housing) having a display can rotate by an angle of 360 degrees. The back faces of the first housing and the second housing would be facing each other. The aforementioned phrase states that the housing rotates by “an angle of about 360 degrees" because the back faces of the housings press against each other and cannot rotate by exactly 360 degrees but inevitably rotate by “about 360 degrees".
Therefore, this statement is not unclear.
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