弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
プラス株式会社が改良したダブルクリップ「AIR KARUエアかる」を3月1日に発売しました。
プラス株式会社 「AIR KARUエアかる」
- 支点の突起を本体に設けていること、
- 支点をずらすことで、支点と力点の距離(レバー)が長くなっていること、
- 指でプレスする部分が湾曲形状からフラット形状になっていること


This is a story about double clips which we routinely use.
Plus Corporation announced its release of improved double clips "AIR KARU" on March 1.
Plus Corporation "AIR KARU"
- A fulcrum protrusion is provided on the body;
- The fulcrum is shifted to make the distance between the fulcrum and the point of action (the lever) longer;
- Parts pressed with fingers are formed into flat shapes instead of curved shapes.
These features allow fingers to fit to the pressed parts and reduce the force needed for opening the clips by a maximum of about 50%. This is a technical idea using a traditional natural principle-the principle of leverage.
The principle of leverage is described as follows:

It is known that, as the distance between the fulcrum and the point of action is shorter while the distance between the fulcrum and the point where force is applied is longer, the force caused at the point of action will be larger.
Like conventional double clips, AIR KARU has a point where force is applied, a fulcrum, and a point of action; but it also has a protrusion on the body to shift the fulcrum for users to open double clips with less force. I think that providing a point where force is applied, a fulcrum, and a point of action simply uses the principle of leverage, but shifting the fulcrum fully utilizes this principle.
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