第162回株価影響判決システム その3
弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 「勝つのは原告でしょ、やはりね。」
- 「被告が負けるのはしょうがないとして、…」
- 「原告勝訴は既定路線だが、…」
- 「原告に負けて欲しいけど、無理だろうな~。」
- 「原告が敗訴しそうだけど、…」

特許6,275,492号 図5

This is a continuation of my post about the patent No. 6,275,492 entitled “a system for surmising adjudications affecting stock prices” (patent right holder: Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.).
This patent incorporates technology to predict the winners and losers of court decisions based on statements posted in articles related to the court decision, and notifies users in advance about court decisions that may affect stock prices.
It is described by way of example that the Article Information Analysis Unit 14 of this system determines who will win or lose the litigation based on conversations in posted articles such as those shown below.
- “Well, the plaintiff will win”
- “If we consider the defendant’s defeat as unavoidable…”
- “The plaintiff’s victory seems to be the likely course, but still …”
- “To tell the truth, I hope that the plaintiff will lose, but that’s probably impossible”
- “The plaintiff is likely going to lose, but still …”
If the sentences mentioning who will win or lose include the statement “the defendant will lose”, the Article Information Analysis Unit 14 recognizes that statement and concludes that “the expected winner is the plaintiff”.
If the sentence mentioning who will win or lose includes the phrase “I hope that the plaintiff will lose, but that’s probably impossible”, the Article Information Analysis Unit 14 recognizes that the entire sentence expresses “the plaintiff will win” and concludes that “the expected winner is the plaintiff” because although the first half shows “the plaintiff will lose”, the latter half expresses the negating phrase “but that’s probably impossible”.
In this way, this system processes expected outcomes from people’s contributions and informs its users of the results.
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- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
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- 国際特許出願マニュアル
- なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
- なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
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