弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
Recently, I have been asked to translate emails and letters addressed to overseas attorneys. Also, in my office, emails and letters asking overseas attorneys to file applications or proceed with intermediary procedures have to be translated almost every day. Although the number of translations entrusted to translators has decreased due to the enhanced accuracy of Google translation, the demand for translations of such communication is increasing more and more.
The words and phrases used in intermediary documents for patent applications are unique to the patent industry. For example:
“Please enter into the national phase”.
“This application has become a Japanese application as a result of entry into the national phase of the PCT International Application”.
“Please claim priority”.
“Please submit IDS (Information Disclosure Statement).
“Please make amendments without deviating from the intent of the present invention”.
“Please newly establish Claim 5 and make it dependent on Claim 1.
These sentences list words and phrases which can be but are generally not understood outside the patent industry.
Patent specifications can sometimes be translated by replacing source technical terms with their translated words; however, translations of letters or intermediary documents will not be able to make the same shift to complete machine translation.
For example, the term “entry into the nation” should be rephrased and translated to “entry into the national phase of the PCT International Application”. This kind of revision cannot be done via machine translation.
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