弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 「マリカー」標章等は、任天堂の著名な商品等表示として、被告会社の需要者にも広く知られている、と認定されたこと;
- 被告会社の行為、たとえばキャラクター「マリオ」等のコスチュームを貸与する行為が不正競争行為として、差止が命じられたこと;
- 被告会社に損害賠償金の支払いが命じられたこと
Nintendo Co., Ltd., which is famous for the game Mario Kart, filed a lawsuit against Mari Mobility Development Inc. (the defendant company) for renting out costumes of Mario and other characters along with go-karts for driving on public roads.
The decision on this lawsuit was reportedly rendered by the Tokyo District Court (Case No. Heisei 29 (wa) No. 6293). I tried to browse this court decision on the Supreme Court website but could not find any hits, so it is somewhat regrettable even though the case number is clear.
The information source that I can rely on is the following news release announced by Nintendo Co., Ltd.:
“The Tokyo District Court decision regarding the act of using Intellectual Property of the Company when renting go-karts to be driven on public roads” (September 27, 2018)
(https://www.nintendo.co.jp/corporate/release/2018/180927.html, Japanese only)
This news release tells us that:
- the emblems and other markings for MariCar are well known by the defendant company’s consumers as displays for Nintendo’s famous goods and services;
- the defendant company’s acts (e.g., renting costumes of Mario and other characters) were found to be acts of unfair competition and were ordered to be suspended; and
- the defendant company was ordered to pay damages.
This means that the defendant company’s acts (including renting costumes) were recognized as acts of unfair competition and were ordered to be suspended.
Acts of unfair competition include using another person’s displays of famous goods or services, or transferring or delivering goods or services that use such displays, such as in this case.
The use of characters created by another person causes copyright problems, so I want to know what judgment the court laid down about the copyrights of these characters.
Characters are protected as copyrights and the act of printing another person’s copyrighted character on products—or, for example, making a stuffed toy from it—constitutes copyright infringement of the character.
I think that the judgment regarding copyright infringement depends on how the defendant company used Mario and the other characters. As soon as the court decision is released, I will write about it.
- もう知らないではすまされない著作権
- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
- 特許翻訳のテクニック
- なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
- 国際特許出願マニュアル
- なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
- なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
- こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
- だれでも弁理士になれる本
- 改正・米国特許法のポイント
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