第175回マリオカート事件 その3
弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
This blog is a continuation of the case in which Nintendo Co., Ltd. (the plaintiff), a company famous for the game “Mario Kart”, filed a lawsuit against Mari Mobility Development Inc. (the defendant), a company that rents out go-karts for driving on public roads (Case No. Heisei 29 (wa) No. 6293).
The Tokyo District Court reached multiple verdicts, one of which is that the defendant shall stop using domain names that include the character strings “maricar.”, “maricar.co.”, and “fuji-maricar.”.
The court judged that “.jp”, “.co.jp”, and “.com” are common parts in domain names; however, “maricar” and “fuji-maricar” are parts that indicate an origin. Assuming that “fuji” is merely an added part, domain names containing “maricar” are similar to the katakana expression for Nintendo’s well-known game.
The court found that the defendant “constructed a façade that [they] conducted this rental business under the official approval of or in cooperation with the plaintiff, with the intention of wrongfully earning benefits”.
A domain name is an important indication for transactions; using a domain name that is identical or similar to another person’s indication of goods, etc. with illegal intentions is an act of unfair competition.
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