弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
対極にある特許と意匠の出願件数を比較すると、日本特許庁にされる意匠出願件数は特許出願の約10分の1です。興味深いのは、日本では特許と意匠は全く別の制度ですが、米国では意匠はdesign patentとして特許の一つです。


We expect to see a design registration system actively utilized in the near future. Designs are a form of intellectual property rights consisting of shapes, patterns, colors, and any combination thereof. When registered, design rights exist for 20 years from the registration date.
Intellectual property rights first call to mind patent rights and design rights.
Patent rights protect technology—namely, the interior workings of products—while design rights protect product appearances.
Comparing the number of applications filed to the JPO for these opposing systems of intellectual property rights, the number of design applications is about one tenth of the number of patent applications. Interestingly, patents and designs are completely separate systems in Japan, while designs in the U.S. are called design patents and are a type of patent.
Regardless, why is the number of design applications in Japan lower than that of patent applications?
Designs that can register product appearances are clearly important. Furthermore, the Examination Guidelines for Design were recently amended to be more user-friendly, which has stoked interest in design rights.
This week, I attended an information session on the revision of the Examination Guidelines for Design hosted by the JPO; the venue was crowded with people involved in design practice, which made me feel keenly the high level of interest there is in design. I heard talk during the session that Japan’s interest in design has been low up until now.
Certainly, after looking around at my surroundings, I noticed that tableware such as cups and plates in particular focus on function but do not pay much attention to design.
I can’t help but wonder if the low number of design applications is a result of Japan’s low interests in design.
However, such frequent revision of the Examination Guidelines will revitalize the design system and encourage people to use it.
Under the revised Examination Guidelines, the scope for which several articles can be found as a single article has been made clear, such as in the following examples.
In principle, a design application shall include only one design for one article. Several designs for several articles shall be filed as separate design applications.
However, playing cards typically serve as one combined playing tool, so they are found as one article.
Likewise, an adhesive with a cap is found as one article because the adhesive would stick to everything without that cap.
On the other hand, a gift set is not found as one article because the individual items can be used independently.
The following design for a lunch box was, however, found as one article and registered through our office even before the revision of the Examination Guidelines.

Design Registration No. 1409813
The amendment to the Design Law to introduce design registration for shop interiors is being planned, which leads me to expect active utilization of the design system.
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