弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
The amendment to the Copyright Law will expand the range of objects that are considered illegal to download. This news is causing a disturbance with the public. I will explain what this news means today.
“A person bought a commercially available CD or video (which are paid copyrighted works), copied, and then uploaded the music or videos stored therein to the Internet without the authorization of the copyright holders; another person, knowing that the music/videos were illegally uploaded, downloaded and stored them on their PC”.
Such acts are considered illegal downloading and infringing upon copyrights and neighboring rights.
However, the following act is not considered illegal downloading: “a person photographed commercially available comics or books and uploaded these photos to the Internet without the authorization of the copyright holders; another person, knowing that the images were illegally uploaded, downloaded and stored them on their PC”. This is because still images are not included in the objects that are considered illegal to download under the current Copyright Law. However, the amended Copyright Law has been designed to expand the range of objects that are considered illegal to download to include still images like comics or books.
Reportedly, however, this amendment was ordered to be suspended because it would result in an overly excessive expansion of acts subject to copyright infringement.
Yet, I have no idea why music and videos are treated differently from comics or books, despite being the same in that they are copyrighted works. I think that knowingly downloading illegally uploaded comics or books should be considered illegal.
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