弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
A dispute about the names of two arts universities in Kyoto has been reported by the news media, which I have, however, avoided to inform you about in this blog because this dispute has been too complicated to understand.
That is, the two names are so confusingly similar that I cannot always distinguish between them when I hear them in the news.
“Kyoto University of Art and Design” (Educational Corporation, Uryuyama Gakuen) announced that its name would be changed to “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku,” written in Chinese characters, and this might be translated as “Kyoto University of Art.”
However, this new name is similar to “Kyoto City University of Arts” which is also called “Kyotogeidai” or “Kyogei.”
Kyoto City University of Arts then filed a lawsuit against Uryuyama Gakuen.
Uryuyama Gakuen’s “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku” will be also called “Kyotogeidai.”
I searched in J-PlatPat (JPO, INPIT) and found that both universities hurriedly filed trademarks, and so on for “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku” written in Chinese characters this summer.
This change causes problems, with a breach of Unfair Competition Prevention Act as well as a problem with trademarks. If the name “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku” is well-known or famous, Uryuyama Gakuen’s use of this new name may be determined as unfair competition.
A trademark application for “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku” by Uryuyama Gakuen was filed one day earlier than “Kyoto Geijutsu Daigaku” was filed by Kyoto City University of Arts. Even if filed earlier, a trademark application may be rejected if it is found to be a famous abbreviation of other person’s name or it causes confusion with another person’s business. We will have no choice but to observe the decision of this lawsuit but I am afraid that a change of a name will be criticized by many people and may be difficult to pass.
“Kyoto University of Art and Design” has been distinguished from “Kyoto City University of Arts” due to the word “design,” which makes a strong impression. Removal of this word makes it difficult to distinguish between the two universities. A new name for “Kyoto University of Art and Design” without the word “design,” should contain a new, unique word.
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