弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
The Japanese Patent Attorneys system celebrated its 120th anniversary recently with a commemorative ceremony. On this occasion, I reflected on the intent of the patent system.
The word “patent” originates from a Latin word, “patentes,” which means “open.” At present, the word patent means “an exclusive right granted by the state for prohibiting others from the production, sale, etc. of an invention for a certain period of time.”
Namely, the origin of the word “patent” meant “laying open,” while its present meaning refers to “a right to monopolize an invention.”
From the standpoint of the nature of patents, these two concepts which appear to be irrelevant can be connected, as imparting a right to monopolize an invention is given in return for disclosure. Historically, it has been known that patent letters given by the states or kings were not sealed, but instead, delivered opened. This may be a source of what is meant by “open” in the origination of patents.
The patent system is a mechanism in which the state hopes inventors will make their inventions open, and grants patents to them.
The patent rights are significant for protecting individuals' properties, but are rights granted under industrial policy, under which inventions go into the public domain after expiration of the patent term, because the target inventions contribute to industry.
What are the advantages to the state from the disclosure of inventions?
Activation of industry. Inventions go into the public domain upon termination of the patent term, but the technologies are likely to become stale after as many as 20 years, so the state wants inventors to grant licenses on their inventions as licensors during the patent term.
Patent applications are published one and a half years after submission, and this also activates industry.
The state would like inventors to make their inventions open, rather than keep them secret, which is a fundamental idea in the patent system.
Let’s speculate benefits to patent right holders in the next blog.
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