弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
I speculated on the significance of patents in the last blog.
The word “patent” comes from a Latin word (patentes) which means “open,” and to have inventions open is advantageous to the state.
On another note, what are advantages for inventors? Inventors are given rights of exclusive possession of inventions but possession alone does not bring very many benefits to inventors. Inventors can enjoy the benefits of owning property such as houses, land, or jewelry; living in houses, wearing accessories, and so on.
Inventions are, however, intangible ideas, which do not allow inventors to actually sense the advantages of ownership. If replacing patents with tangible objects, they would be products based on patented ideas, and patent certificates. Possession of inventions does not mean possession of tangible products, but instead possession of ideas which are not directly held. We would quickly realize if there was an intruder in our house, but we cannot immediately find out about imitation of our ideas by other people in remote areas.
When inventors grant licenses for their inventions to make profits or receive patent paper certificates which represent an inventor’s honor, they can actually sense ownership of patents. Granting licenses to make profits takes time and money, from which it is concluded that the patent system stresses an aspect of appreciating inventors’ honor. I think that the letters issued as the initial form of patents have an aspect of celebrating honor.
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