弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
特許翻訳では、定冠詞、不定冠詞の区別が厳格であり、初出の名詞にはa, an, 2回目以降に登場する名詞にはtheを付するというルールがあります。しかし必ずしもこれが適用されない場面があり、それがMPEPに規定されています。
Inherent components of elements recited have antecedent basis in the recitation of the components themselves. For example, the limitation “the outer surface of said sphere” would not require an antecedent recitation that the sphere has an outer surface. See Bose Corp. v. JBL, Inc., 274 F.3d 1354, 1359, 61 USPQ2d 1216, 1218-19 (Fed. Cir 2001) (holding that recitation of “an ellipse” provided antecedent basis for “an ellipse having a major diameter” because “[t]here can be no dispute that mathematically an inherent characteristic of an ellipse is a major diameter”).

記載されている構成要件の本質的な構成部分は、構成部分自体の記載に先行の根拠を持っている。例えば、「前記球の外表面」という限定は、球が外表面を有している、という先行する記載を必要としない。(Bose Corp. v. JBL, Inc., 274 F.3d 1354, 1359, 61 USPQ2d 1216, 1218-19 (Fed. Cir 2001)参照) (「楕円」という記載は、「長径を有する楕円」の先行の根拠を提供している、と判断されている。「数学的に、楕円の本質的な特徴は、長径であることに争いはないからである。」)

Patent translators should strictly distinguish between a definite article and an indefinite article following the rule that a noun that appears at first accompanies “a, an”, and a noun that appears the second time or after accompanies “the”. This is not, however, always applicable to all scenarios, as prescribed in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) below.
“Inherent components of elements recited have antecedent basis in the recitation of the components themselves. For example, the limitation “the outer surface of said sphere” would not require an antecedent recitation that the sphere has an outer surface. See Bose Corp. v. JBL, Inc., 274 F.3d 1354, 1359, 61 USPQ2d 1216, 1218-19 (Fed. Cir 2001) (holding that recitation of “an ellipse” provided antecedent basis for “an ellipse having a major diameter” because “[t]here can be no dispute that mathematically an inherent characteristic of an ellipse is a major diameter”)”.
The above means that an ellipse, which inherently has a major axis, makes the existence of said major axis common knowledge (although a basis for said existence is not present in the specifications or claims).
Translators feel thankful when those drafting specifications attach “abovementioned” and “applicable” to nouns in claims. This absolves translators from worrying about definite articles and indefinite articles.
The book below focuses on foreign language (patent) applications while writing specifications and claims.
Gaikoku Shutsugan wo Misueta Nihongo Kurēmu Dorafuto no Jitsumu
(Written by Masayuki Sakai and Sumiko Mori. Published by Abac Zoom, Inc.)
Even in Japanese general documents, “abovementioned” (“zenki” in Japanese) and “above-described (“jōki” in Japanese) may be attached to nouns, but only when the above-described statement is cited or referred to. When it comes to foreign (patent) applications in Japanese and English, patent documents which distinguish between nouns that appear at first and nouns that appear a second time or more are extremely special.
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