弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「血の池地獄カレー」という商品名((株)Hell Company(大分市)


There has been a dispute over trademarks for curries.
A company in Sapporo City, having the registered trademark “Jigoku no Curry” (Hokuto Co., Ltd.) filed a lawsuit insisting that the product name “Chinoike Jigoku no Curry” (Hell Company Co., Ltd., Oita City) infringes the trademark right of “Jigoku no Curry.”
“Jigoku no Curry” is a registered trademark (No. 5,376,915)
A trademark application for “Chinoike Jigoku no Curry” was filed in November 2019, but it has not been registered yet (Japanese Trademark Application No. 2019-150148).
Chinoike Jigoku no Curry

(downloaded from Amazon’s online shopping site)
Jigoku no Curry
“Chinoike Jigoku” is indeed the name of a sightseeing spot in Oita Prefecture. This means that “Chinoike Jigoku” refers to the origin of the product and has no distinctiveness. Illustrations in the background, therefore, are the principal part of the trademark.
When determining if trademarks are similar or not, elements having no distinctiveness are disregarded.
Reportedly, Hokuto insists that these names are similar in meaning, since “Jigoku Curry” could refer to the curry being spicy like hellfire (jigoku means hell in English). However, “Chinoike Jigoku Curry” has no such meaning, as it refers to the geographical name in part.
Use of “Chinoike Jigoku Curry” which includes a geographical name will probably not be judged as infringing the trademark right of “Jigoku no Curry.”
However, whether this product package infringes the trademark right of “Jigoku no Curry” is different from whether “Chinoike Jigoku Curry” is a registered trademark or not.
In order for a trademark application consisting of only the words “Chinoike Jigoku no Curry” to be registered, proving that the name is well known may be required for it to be judged as indicating the origin of goods.
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