弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 「軽微な」著作物(例、漫画1~数コマやサムネイル画像)は対象外である。
- 二次創作、パロディも対象外である。たとえば、他人の小説を漫画化し、この漫画をアップロードする行為は違法であるが、私たちがこれを故意にダウンロードしても違法ではない。
- 著作権者の利益を不当に害さないと認められる場合も対象外である。

Another pillar of the amendments to the Copyright Act in 2020 (Reiwa 2) is that the scope of works subject to laws on illegal downloads—i.e. regarded as infringing copyright—has been expanded from music and films to all copyrighted works such as comics, books, articles, and computer programs, etc.
Illegal downloading means downloading copyrighted works with full knowledge that these works have been illegally uploaded (new Article 30(1)(iv)).
For example, if Mr. “A” illegally copies music from a CD and uploads it online, and Mr. “B”, knowing this fact, then downloads this music, then Mr. B’s act is regarded as infringing copyright (Article 30(1)(iii)). Up to now, works subject to laws on illegal downloads have been limited to music and films, however this will be expanded to include comics, books, and computer programs, etc.
However, this amendment takes care not to limit our behavior to the extreme:
- “minor” copyrighted works (e.g. one to several frames of a comic, thumbnail images) are excluded.
- Derivative works and parodies are also excluded. For example, creating a comic from a novel written by another person and uploading it online is illegal, however an act of downloading it, knowing this fact, is regarded as legal.
- Under special circumstances wherein copyright holders’ interests are not unjustly harmed: for example, a well-known person posts a poster for a Food Exhibition on their social media without permission, and, combined with the fact that the exhibition was recommended by this well-known person, we carry out an act of saving this post together with the poster.
The act of consecutively and repeatedly downloading copyrighted works, of which the original has a value when sold, while knowing this fact, is subject to penalty. This means that one-time downloads are not subject to penalty.
- もう知らないではすまされない著作権
- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
- 特許翻訳のテクニック
- なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
- 国際特許出願マニュアル
- なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
- なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
- こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
- だれでも弁理士になれる本
- 改正・米国特許法のポイント
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