弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「コロナで売り上げ落ちて」商標法違反容疑で男性書類送検 (神奈川新聞社)

I have mentioned on several occasions that with the current state of the COVID-19 crisis, the importance of intellectual property, i.e., people’s intellectual assets, will increase. This is because today, when air travel is unthinkable and web conferencing and remote work are the norm, we can expect to see more concepts and creations that do not require physical storage.
In the future, we expect to see an increase in inventions based on ideas by individual inventors, rather than inventions made by employees that require corporate facilities. There will also be an increase in the filing of such patent applications overseas. This is because it is possible to apply for a patent in the U.S. from your home computer.
With the acceleration of side jobs for company employees, I hear that many people are considering writing as a side job.
In other words, during the COVID-19 crisis, the ultimate asset for companies and individuals is considered to be intellectual property. However, on the other hand, intellectual property infringements have been increasing during COVID-19. The following case is one example.
“Sales were dropping due to COVID-19” Man referred to prosecution on suspicion of violating trademark law(Kanagawa Shimbun)
Bags with the trademark Supreme are being sold. It is expected that these will infringe the trademark registration No. 5962016, “Supreme” (owned by Supreme).
There is also a cycle of falling sales due to COVID-19, which leads to infringements of intellectual property.
Intellectual property is a type of asset that can easily be created, even when business is struggling—thus, it is also an asset that can easily be infringed. This is because intellectual property is an intangible property right and can easily be imitated.
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