弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
In blog post 204, I reported the news that an artist from Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture sued a shopping mall association in Yamatokoriyama City, Nara Prefecture over the similarity of a telephone booth that looks like an aquarium with goldfish swimming inside, however the artist’s claim was dismissed by the Nara District Court.
On this occasion, the artist’s claim has been recognized by the Osaka High Court, and a judgement of copyright infringement by the goldfish telephone booth installed by the shopping mall association has been handed down by the court.
“Goldfish telephone phone booth artwork recognized as ‘copyright infringement’ by Osaka High Court” (The Sankei Shimbun)
One of the reasons why the artist’s suit was not accepted by the Nara District Court is that having goldfish swim in a telephone booth is an idea, not an expression. Copyright is given to expressions, not to ideas.
However, the judgement by the Osaka High Court on this occasion has determined that the element of generating bubbles from the telephone receiver is a reproduction based on the artist’s work.
It is difficult to determine whether generating bubbles from the telephone receiver is an idea or an expression. It was likely judged to be a work of art in which an idea took shape and was expressed (I cannot see the judgment yet, so this is only a prediction).
The Nara District Court, the court of first instance, ruled that there was no creativity in realizing the idea of having goldfish swim in a public telephone booth as, “if one wants to generate air bubbles, it is a reasonable and natural idea to generate them from the receiver, which already has holes.”
It is a good precedent that a creation that is as close to an idea as possible has been recognized as an expression that has creativity.
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- ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
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