- 2023.05.02
- 翻訳ハック
Most people know that British English (BrE) and American English (AmE) use different words for certain things, but did you know that there are also subtle differences in their grammar?
As a BrE speaker, one thing that surprised me when I was younger was that in American movies and TV shows, characters would say things like, “I wrote him,” or “She wrote me.” To BrE speakers, this sentence is ungrammatical as it lacks a particle; in BrE, we would say, “I wrote to him,” or “She wrote to me.” Confusingly, “I wrote him a letter” without the particle is correct in both AmE and BrE. And of top of that, we both say, “I called him,” when we call someone on the phone.
As an adult working with AmE in my job, another difference I have noticed is the use of articles. A sentence like, “She’s going to hospital” with no article before ‘hospital’ would be fine in BrE, but not so in AmE. When we omit the article, it means that the person going to hospital is participating in the services of the hospital—i.e., they are the patient. On the other hand, if we say, “She’s going to the hospital,” it would imply that she was going for some other reason, including for work or to visit a sick friend. While AmE does not always make this distinction with the word ‘hospital,’ it does do this with other places, such as ‘school’ and ‘church.’
*In any case, “going to (the) hospital” is only used for more serious injuries or illnesses that require complicated treatment and/or surgery—if you went to the clinic for a headache and got some painkillers, for example, make sure to say, “I went to the doctor,” otherwise both AmE and BrE speakers will be quite concerned!
イギリス英語話者として、私が若い頃に驚いたことのひとつは、アメリカの映画やテレビ番組で、登場人物が “I wrote him” とか “She wrote me” などと言うことです。イギリス英語話者にとって、この文は助詞がないので非文法的です。イギリス英語では、”I wrote to him”、”She wrote to me “と言います。紛らわしいことに、助詞のない “I wrote him a letter “は、アメリカ英語でもイギリス英語でも正しい。さらに言えば、誰かに電話をかけるときも、”I called him “と助詞を省略して言います。
仕事でアメリカ英語を扱う際に、もうひとつ違いを感じたことがあります。それは、冠詞の使い方です。“She’s going to hospital”という文章で、‘hospital’の前に冠詞がない場合、イギリス英語では問題ありませんが、アメリカ英語ではそうではありません。冠詞を省略すると、「病院に行く」人は病院のサービスに参加している、つまり患者であるという意味になります。一方、“She’s going to the hospital”と言えば、仕事や病気の友人を見舞うためなど、何か別の理由で行くことを意味する。アメリカ英語では‘hospital’という単語でこのような区別をするとは限りませんが、‘school ’や‘church ’など、他の場所でこのような区別をしています。
*ちなみに、“going to (the) hospital” というのは複雑な治療や手術が必要な、より深刻な怪我や病気の場合に使われる表現です。例えば、頭痛で病院に行き鎮痛剤をもらうような場合、必ず“I went to the doctor”と言わないと、アメリカ英語話者もイギリス英語話者もかなり心配します!
■ インターブックスの英語翻訳はこちら
■ インターブックスの実績紹介はこちら
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イギリス出身。ロンドン大学にて日本語学を専攻。卒業後、航空会社や出版社を経て翻訳業界に飛び込む。趣味は読書、レコード収集・鑑賞、キャンプ。 |